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What Does It Mean to Live in a Post-Roe v. Wade World?

  • Advocacy in Canada
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

After the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on abortion, we must keep advancing, supporting and protecting reproductive rights in Canada and across the world.

A group of women ranging from different ages holding protest signs that say messages like, abortion is healthcare, trust women, a depiction of an uterus with the phrase underneath that says, don't tread on me.

Oxfam Canada reaction to US Supreme Court ruling on abortion

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

In reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on abortion, Lauren Ravon, Executive Director, Oxfam Canada stated: “Today, the U.S. Supreme Court has delivered a devastating blow to women’s human…

Empty promises will not save the world from COVID, campaigners warn ahead of Biden global vaccine summit

Advocacy in Canada

Leaders already failing to meet previous commitments as only 1 in 8 of doses promised at G7 have been delivered On the eve of President Biden’s global COVID summit on…

Oxfam reaction to US Secretary of State Pompeo’s decision to designate the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist

  • Conflict and War
  • Refugees and Internal Displacement

In response to US Secretary of State Pompeo’s decision to designate the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist, Oxfam America’s Humanitarian Policy Lead Scott Paul…

Cancel the debt so doctors and nurses can keep saving lives

  • Advocacy in Canada
  • Emergency Response

This open letter is a call for urgent action from doctors and nurses on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A health care worker in a protective mask and hair cover and scrubs and gown looks at the camera.

Green Climate Fund short-changed by rich polluting countries

Climate Change

Rich polluting countries such as Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the US are short-changing poor countries by billions of dollars that they need to cut emissions and adapt to the…

Global sexual and reproductive health and rights leaders call for continued Canadian leadership

  • Advocacy in Canada
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Statement: Global sexual and reproductive health and rights leaders call for continued Canadian leadership Attn: The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau. M.P.,…

Basanti Bista, 36, and Prabita Bista, 22, play with Prabita's 11-month-old baby in Salyantar, Nepal.

Global sexual and reproductive health and rights leaders call for continued Canadian leadership

  • Advocacy in Canada
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

In an era divided between hostility and progress towards realizing women’s rights – and all people’s inalienable rights – Canada can’t afford to back away from the sexual and reproductive…

Basanti Bista, 36, and Prabita Bista, 22, play with Prabita's 11-month-old baby in Salyantar, Nepal.

Still no real progress one year after landmark UN refugee pledge

The Declaration, first adopted last September, reaffirmed the responsibility of all nations to refugees, and laid out a two-year timeline for countries to develop and agree on a “global compact”…

Oxfam condemns US defunding of UN agency focusing on reproductive health and rights of women and girls

Oxfam strongly condemns the decision by the US Government this week to withhold funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The decision puts women’s lives at risk and will…

Oxfam condemns President Trump’s latest attempt to slam the door on vulnerable refugees

Ottawa – Oxfam condemns President Trump’s latest effort to slam the door on refugees by signing yet another Executive Order denying safe refuge for the tens of thousands of people…

Oxfam condemns President Trump’s discriminatory Executive Order on refugees and urges Canadian action

Oxfam Canada is deeply concerned about President Trump’s Executive Order on refugees and the impact it could have on refugees and immigrants worldwide. The Executive Order has indefinitely suspended the…

Oxfam Response to US President Trump’s Executive Orders to reinstate the Global Gag Rule (Mexico City Policy)

Oxfam Canada strongly condemns the recent decision of the US Government to reinstate the Global Gag Rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy. This policy will leave a major…

Joint Statement on Trump’s Global Gag Rule Re-Enactment

We, the undersigned organizations, strongly condemn President Trump’s signing of the Global Gag Rule on January 23rd 2017, one of his first acts as President of the United States. During…

Six richest countries host less than 9% of refugees

The six wealthiest countries – which make up more than half the global economy – host less than nine percent of the world’s refugees while poorer countries and territories are…
