Climate Justice

Climate change is hitting the most vulnerable people on the planet the hardest. We believe we can build a world where all people and the planet can thrive.


Everyone has the right to a just and sustainable world in which they can thrive. But, every day, poverty is made worse by the devastating impacts of climate change.

Our current economic model, with its overdependence on extractive resources, is deepening a climate crisis that is destroying millions of lives and livelihoods. Right now, our planet is changing forever, and an ever-growing number of people are being forced from their homes.

For millions, climate change means loss of livelihoods, ecosystems, identity and well-being in the countries that are the least responsible, but the most impacted by climate change. There is a clear connection between climate change, gender inequality and humanitarian crises, and Oxfam advances solutions that consider that full picture.


Why Climate Justice?

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Over the past 10 years, an average of 20 million people per year were internally displaced by climate change.
The richest 10 percent produce half of global greenhouse gas emissions, while the poorest 3.5 billion are responsible for just 10 percent.
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The number of climate-related disasters has tripled in the past 30 years.

What Is Oxfam Doing?

Together with local partners, we support people around the world to prepare and adapt to climate change, and respond quickly to those affected by the climate crisis as it destroys homes and tears apart families. We work with women- and youth-led organizations to make climate financing adequate and predictable and to advocate for the transition to a global green economy, holding the most powerful to account in order to turn the tide from climate change to climate justice.

Read the Blog

What’s on the table at the COP29 Climate Summit? How will we pay for climate solutions?

Send a Letter

Ask Ministers Freeland and Guilbeault to hold the climate culprits accountable.

Make a Donation

Your donations make our work to promote climate resilience, advocate for climate policies and respond to climate disasters possible.

The core injustice of climate change is that it most deeply impacts those who are least responsible for creating it. Support us in our fight for climate justice.

Three Steps You Can Take Now

A black woman harvesting plants.

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A group on a rooftop.


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A woman carrying her small child in a cloth pouch.


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