Oxfam Canada’s Feminism is Trans Inclusive

by Oxfam Canada | March 3, 2023
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Background media: Oxfam Canada's feminism is trans inclusive
Photo: Red-Diamond/Shutterstock

Oxfam Canada stands firmly with transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse communities in Canada and across the world. Our feminism is unequivocally and unapologetically inclusive of trans rights, and we are proud to stand in solidarity with trans activists everywhere. We condemn the targeted hate, harassment, and prejudice that transgender and gender diverse folks recieve when advocating for their rights and simply living their lives.

According to Statistic Canada (2020), trans folk in Canada are more likely to experience violence since age 15, and are also more likely to experience inappropriate behaviour in public, online, and at work than cisgender Canadians. A survey report from TRANS Pulse Canada (2020) outlined that racialized trans folk overwhelmingly face higher levels of discrimination and violence – harassment, with almost three quarters reporting they fear and experience harassment or scrutiny from police forces and within legal systems.

Globally, with anti-rights movements on the rise, attacks against trans folk continue to grow, with 2022 having seen a record number of deadly attacks. In too many contexts, trans folks lack legal protection and attacks, including by governments, are met with impunity.

We recognize and celebrate the diversity of all identities, and will not tolerate any hate and bigotry.

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