How Much Do We Care? An Assessment of the Canadian Paid and Unpaid Care Policy Landscape

by Oxfam Canada | June 8, 2023
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How Much Do We Care? An Assessment of the Canadian Paid and Unpaid Care Policy Landscape

by Oxfam Canada | June 8, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the crisis in care that has been brewing in Canada for many years. After decades of underfunded care services, underpaid care workers, increased reliance on racialized migrant women to perform care work, and inaction on rectifying the heavy and unequal care workload, many care systems in Canada broke down, and communities were left stranded with completely inadequate services.

Today’s increased attention by governments and the public at large on the importance of care to our society and economy presents a unique opportunity to rethink how paid and unpaid care work are valued and how care systems can be strengthened to ensure quality care to those who need it.

This report applies Oxfam’s Care Policy Scorecard Tool to provide a comprehensive assessment of the current state of care-related policies in Canada. If you are interested in accessing the full scoring data file, please contact Ian Thomson at

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